Books about Ants

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What a wonderful collection of books about ants! You’ll find board books, picture books, leveled readers, chapter books, and more!

Homeschoolers tend to teach more than one age range at a time. I know I did. My kids were five years apart making group lessons a challenge.

However, it is possible to teach multiple levels at once, and providing books at a wide variety of reading levels is one way to do that.

Books about Ants

Below, I’ve featured just a handful of books about ants for kids of all ages.

You should be able to find them at your local library or bookstore. If you can’t find them locally, you can click each image cover to purchase them on Amazon.

Board Books About Ants

The Ants Go Marching: A Count-and-Sing BookAnthill (Happy Fox Books) One-of-a-Kind Board Book Teaches Kids Ages 2 to 5 about Ants, Exploring More Deeply into an Anthill with Every Turn of the Page; Educational Facts, Vocabulary Words, and More


The Ants Go Marching: A Count-and-Sing Book – Preschoolers will delight in this fun, repetitious rhyme with adorable ant characters. Watch as they march one by one, two by two, and all the way up to five by five toward a surprise ending!

Anthill – We see ants almost every day, but have you ever wondered what they do on a daily basis or what it would be like to live inside of an anthill? Now you can find out!

Ant Picture Books

The Ant And The BearHey, Little AntThe Grasshopper and the Ant: Aesop's Fables in Verses (Children's story picture books)


The Ant and The Bear – Daisy was the world’s laziest bear. Grant was the forest’s hardest working friend. With winter quickly approaching, what will happen when their paths continue to cross?

Hey, Little Ant – What would you do if the ant you were about to step on looked up and started talking? Would you stop and listen? What if your friends saw you hesitate? That’s what happens in this funny, thought-provoking book.

The Grasshopper and the Ant – When you work all summer to save up your crumbs You’ll have no worries when winter time comes.

Ant Leveled Readers

Ant in Her Pants (We Read Phonics Leveled Readers)Leafcutter Ants: Leveled Reader (Rigby Sails Sailing Solo)Ants: Leveled Reader Grade 1 Ants (inFact)


Ant in Her Pants – Develops reading skills through games and a fictional story about the chaos an ant causes a woman when he decides to move into her pants.

Leafcutter Ants: Leveled Reader – Short leveled reader about leaf cutter ants

Ants: Leveled Reader – Boost reading comprehension skills with this fun leveled reader about ants!

Nonfiction Books About Ants

The Life and Times of the AntNational Geographic Readers: AntsAre You an Ant? (Backyard Books)


The Life and Times of the Ant – Seed lifters, dirt diggers, social beings, ants have the most advanced brain of all insects! So watch where you step, especially on a warm day: a small but mighty ant may be underfoot.

National Geographic Readers: Ants – These hard-working little creatures thrive wherever they go, making whatever adaptations necessary in their ever-changing world. 

Are You an Ant? – This book will give children who love to track ants an inside look at the everyday life of this fascinating insect, as they explore the similarities and differences to themselves.

Chapter Books About Ants

Science Chapters: All About AntsHorrible Harry and the Ant InvasionThe Berenstain Bears and the Great Ant Attack


Science Chapters: All About Ants – Ten thousand types of ants march on our Earth. All About Ants profiles the queens, the drones, and the worker ants that make up this crawling army.

Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion – It’s a busy time in Room 2B! An ant observation project is beginning, Miss Mackle is teaching square dancing, and class pictures are being taken. Then one of the fish from the 2B fish tank goes belly-up! Is Harry to blame?

The Berenstain Bears and the Great Ant Attack – Head for the hills! The ants are coming! Ferdy and Actual Factual’s ant-breeding experiment backfires and Bear Country is overrun by a rapidly multiplying colony of nasty hybrid ants who will eat anything in very large mouthfuls!

Which of these books about ants will you read first?

Round Out Your Unit with These Activities

Spring and summer are the best time of year to study ants. This printable features seven ant life cycle activities for early learners.

This Ants Go Marching flannel board set helps kids act out this popular kids’ song over and over again.

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