Kids Summer Reading Challenge

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Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy some downtime, but it can also be a productive season for kids. One way to keep them engaged in learning is to set up a kids summer reading challenge.

This is a fun way for kids to track their progress and see how much they’ve improved. Plus, it’s a great way to keep them interested in reading during the summer break.

Keep reading for details on how to set up your own summer reading challenge. Then, add it to your kids activities for summer.

How do you make a summer reading challenge?

First, you’ll need a free printable book log. This will help kids keep track of the books they read over the summer.

You can find our summer reading challenge printables at the very bottom of this post. Once you have a book log, it’s time to set some goals.

Talk to your kids about how many books they want to read over the summer, and help them set a realistic goal.

Now that you’ve got your reading log, it’s time to start reading! Encourage your kids to read a variety of books, and make sure they’re keeping track of their progress on their book log.

As they read, they can check off each book they finish. At the end of the summer, celebrate your child’s success by taking them to pick out a new book as a reward for all their hard work.

Creating a summer reading challenge is a great way to keep kids engaged in learning over the break. With a little planning and our free printables, you can set up your own challenge in no time.

Summer Reading Challenge Ideas

It’s that time of year again! The kids are out of school and the days are long and lazy. But just because it’s summer doesn’t mean learning has to take a break.

Here are a few summer reading challenge ideas to get you started:

• Read one book from each continent. This is a great way to learn about different cultures and expand your child’s horizons.

• Start at the beginning and work your way up. Challenge kids to read books with titles that start with each letter of the alphabet – A to Z.

• Challenge kids to read outside their comfort zone. Pick genres or topics they normally shy away.

• Go global. Choose books set in as many different countries as possible. This is a great way to armchair travel the world without even leaving your home.

No matter what type of challenge you choose, summer reading is a great way to keep your child’s mind active and engaged over the long summer months.

Reading Challenges for Kids

If you’re looking for more reading challenge ideas, check out the ideas I’ve shared below. I hope you’re able to find a challenge to spark your child’s interest.

So, if you’re looking for ways to keep your kids’ brains active and engaged over the summer break, consider setting up a reading challenge.

Not only will they enjoy it, but they’ll also be learning while they’re having fun.

Have you tried this with your kids? What tips do you have for making it a success? Let us know in the comments below!

Kids Summer
Reading Challenges

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