Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess Book Buddy
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This Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess book buddy is designed to accompany the book written by Julie Gassman.
This set of free printables features worksheets that includes work with story elements, a writing prompt, a word search, and more.
These pages are perfect for kids in kindergarten and early elementary grades.

Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess Book Buddy
Kids of all ages will get a kick out of this story. They’ll giggle at the antics of the dragon who can’t contain himself at recess.
These print-and-go Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess printables are perfect for kids ages 6-8.
They’ll love digging into the story with these activities and graphic organizers.

Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess Activities
Young learners will love these hands-on activities, and they’re perfect for helping little ones engage with the story.
When reading Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess, you can add one or more of these activities to your to-do list:
• Let your kids complete a playground scavenger hunt.
• Make a popsicle stick fire breathing dragon craft.
• These gorgeous wooden dragon toys will make the perfect addition to your pretend play area.
Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess Book Buddy
Kids of all ages will love diving deep into the story of a dragon who just wants to play at recess. These print-and-go worksheets will help you do just that.
What’s Included?
• Describe Dragons. Children will describe dragons with the prompts can, have, and are.
• Story Sequencing. After reading the, kids can record information about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
• Story Elements. Students will write a short description of the story with the prompts characters, setting, problem, and solution.
• Writing Prompts. Students will write about their favorite part of the story as well as what they would do if they saw a dragon at recess.
• Word Search. Children will search for twelve story-related terms in the word search grid.
• Color by Number. This page is perfect for younger listeners/readers. They’ll follow the color code to complete the page.

More Books About Dragons
Fill your book basket with a great collection of books about dragons. Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore.
If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.
• Dragons Love Tacos – Dragons love tacos. They love chicken tacos, beef tacos, great big tacos, and teeny tiny tacos. So if you want to lure a bunch of dragons to your party, you should definitely serve tacos. Buckets and buckets of tacos. Unfortunately, where there are tacos, there is also salsa. And if a dragon accidentally eats spicy salsa . . . oh, boy. You’re in red-hot trouble.
• The Storybook Knight – When Leo’s mom and dad pack him off to fight a dragon, he takes a shield, a sword―and a pile of his favorite books. But can a story be as mighty as a sword?
• My Father’s Dragon – When Elmer Elevator tells a stray cat about his dream of being able to fly, he learns of a captive dragon on Wild Island. The dragon has been forced by the jungle residents to serve as their shuttle across a wide river — and anyone who rescues the dragon from its cruel captors might be entitled to a free ride.