Winter Forest Scavenger Hunt Printable

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As the temperature begins to drop, kids can observe changes in the world around them. Focus on some of those changes with this winter forest scavenger hunt printable.

Because this scavenger hunt idea for kids contains both word and picture clues, kids of all ages can participate.

Kids can pair up or work individually to find all of the items on this list.

I love finding new ways to encourage my kids to get outside and connect with nature.

Scavenger hunts are a great way to encourage outdoor time any time of the year.

Winter Forest Scavenger Hunt Printable

Most kids I know love exploring nature. Those who don’t will usually enjoy it with a purpose. That’s where a scavenger hunt can come in handy.

Many kids these days would rather stay inside and play video games or watch television especially on a cold winter day. They may be reluctant to go outside because “there’s nothing to do” or “it’s too cold”.

Give your kids something to do! Print out this fun nature scavenger hunt, and go exploring in the forest.

How to plan a scavenger hunt for your kids

Print one copy of the winter scavenger hunt for each child or team participating.

You can laminate the page and use dry erase markers if you’d like to make the page reusable.

This winter scavenger hunt is perfect for all ages. Older kids can search for the items individually and race to be the first one to find everything on the list.

Younger kids can pair up with a buddy who can help them identify all of the objects and read the item descriptions .

If you’d like, bring along a small backpack to collect all of the objects they find. Add them to your nature table when you get back home.

How else can you use this scavenger hunt?

You can use this scavenger hunt as a springboard for more nature study with your kids.

On this page, kids are encouraged to look for pine needles and pine cones. Take that one step further by studying the life cycle of a pine tree.

After finding a bird and/or a bird nest in the forest, kids can go on a bird scavenger hunt or make a bird nest craft.

While on the lookout for animal tracks, be sure to photograph some if you find them. Then, you can talk about animal tracks while completing this animal tracks activity pack.

More scavenger hunts


Fill your book basket with a great collection of books about nature. Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore.

If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.

Exploring Nature Activity Book for Kids: 50 Creative Projects to Spark Curiosity in the OutdoorsUp in the Garden and Down in the Dirt: (Nature Book for Kids, Gardening and Vegetable Planting, Outdoor Nature Book)Curious Kids Nature Guide: Explore the Amazing Outdoors of the Pacific Northwest


Exploring Nature: Activity Book for Kids – Encourage young nature lovers to get outside and track, explore, discover, and create. This book is filled with hands-on, educational outdoor activities that kids will love to learn from, like crafting bird feeders out of fruit, pressing flowers, or creating sundials. 

Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt – Up in the garden, the world is full of green—leaves and sprouts, growing vegetables, ripening fruit. But down in the dirt there is a busy world of earthworms digging, snakes hunting, skunks burrowing, and all the other animals that make a garden their home.

Curious Kids Nature GuideCurious Kids Nature Guide is filled with full-color illustrations and fun facts about the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest, encouraging kids to discover and explore nature in their own backyards and beyond.

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